I’m posting this update to inform you that I will be on holiday from the 14th to the 2nd! My boyfriend will visit me, so updates will be significantly slowed down, although I’ll try to keep an eye on stuff and hope nothing important will be announced while we’re in Venice and Verona. Why do I have a feeling something… Read more »
Original post (free to read) Continuing to translate the chronicles of Ane’s fight against the Xiatsu Corporation… Just when I thought the Year of the Rabbit was over, my X account got swiftly suspended.I haven’t solved. Ane here. You know, Twitter became X, but normal notifications related to suspension stuff come like, “Notification from Twitter,” and even the sender is Twitter… Read more »
Welcome back to what I call “the simpler review corner!” Since I already published a news post today, I could have just waited until tomorrow before publishing this… But I wanted this post to be published on this specific day. Only one small package for today. I have tons of packages incoming, but due to the season, nothing has arrived… Read more »
And so the announcement iiiis… a 2 man live with Metronome. Otome Hakusetsuki. March 17 at Shibuya REX. Tickets will be on sale on eplus starting from January 14. Ranko is super excited to play with a band she loved for a long time, and she can’t summarize her feelings!
Original post (free to read) Decided to translate Ane’s latest post, to give a proper update here and not just on the Ilonno Maschato-branded social (and Discord…). WAAAAAAARGHAne here.This is my first blog post of 2024. We have a new promo picture.Hope you enjoy it. By the way, I got suspended on Twitter/X for the first time.Wow, what have you… Read more »
First of all, a major earthquake has happened in Japan… one of the worst ways to start the New Year… I hope everyone is okay. Buta members are safe (although Ranko has felt the earthquake in Osaka, but she’s okay), and they have been retweeting news. Now let’s move on to the bright stuff… Comiket 103 went fine, and Itoyuyushi… Read more »
And here we are, at the end of another year… and with the usual round up post! I don’t have too much to say about myself, so this will be purely a Buta post. Let’s start with the music stats. Touhou songs: 8 (including rearranges)Originals: 0Instrumentals: 1Total: 9 Ranko songs with other arrangers: 1 (AKA the IRON ATTACK! collab)Comp songs with other vocalists: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Risky Melody’s… Read more »
Wohooo! It’s been more than a year since my last pre-release commentary! What do we have this time…? Itoyuyushi is an album made to celebrate Ghostly Field Club and Perfect Cherry Blossom’s 20th anniversary, so all the tracks come from those two works (mainly the former). It’s a not a very exciting concept – it feels like the Pig didn’t… Read more »
Comiket 103’s Touhou day will be on December 31, and BUTAOTOME will bring something new to their space 西あ01a! The only actual album of the year is Itoyuyushi (いとゆゆし). It’s a Perfect Cherry Blossom + Ghostly Field Club 20th anniversary work. It features 7 tracks, including the songs from the storybooks that were released earlier this year and two re-arranges!… Read more »
Hiiii! How are you guys? The Indigo Disk DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been released and I’ve already finished it… Currently waiting for a friend to trade the last Paradoxes I need to complete the Blueberry Dex.Oh, and I will finally do my passport request on December 27th! Wish me luck! C103 announcement BUTAOTOME’s C103 release is done,… Read more »