First of all, MY C96 ALBUMS FINALLY ARRIVED!!! Wohoooo!! I’ve already updated all the pages, and all the lyrics from Goku are up, as well as the Black Sunflower lyrics. I’ve also slightly revised Ranko’s and Paprika’s reviews, and Ranko’s comments have been added on each song’s page. I’m now working on the review, but I will leave a small spoiler here: I’m very happy for these albums. Look forward to it!
Now to a good bunch of news from the World of BUTAOTOME!
Autumnal Reitaisai 6 release
BUTAOTOME will bring a new release at Autumnal Reitaisai 6, on October 6th. It hasn’t been officially announced, but it’s already up on some doujin shops like Toranoana and Akiba-Hobby. It’s the fourth album of the ButaBest series! This time it covers all the vocal albums from FREAKS to Shoujo Rengoku 4/Daifugou, including sachlich.

- 貴女には見えて私には見えないもの | Anata ni wa miete Watashi ni wa mienai mono [Kinki no Makuheki]
- 観測者の居ない山猫軒 | Kansokusha no inai Yamanekoken [Schrödinger no Bakeneko]
- 狂人日記 | Kyoujin Nikki [Taketori Hishou ~ Lunatic Princess]
- 哀しそうで嬉しそうな物語 | Kanashisou de Ureshisou na Monogatari [Mottomo Sumiwataru Sora to Umi]
- ミステリーは既知の外 | Mystery wa Kichi no Soto [Nihonjuu no Fushigi wo Atsumete]
- 無限多重カーテン | Mugen Tajuu Curtain [Kinki no Makuheki]
- 中道歩行 | Chuudou Hokou [Niiru Renkachou ~ Red and White]
- 空色リボン | Sorairo Ribbon [Fushigi no Kuni no Alice]
- イニシエ | Inishie [Handokugan no Bibliophilia]
- 触れる夢 | Sawareru Yume [Dr. Latency no Nemurenaku naru Hitomi]
- ソリッド | Solid [Koyoi wa Hyouitsu na Egoist ~ Egoistic Flowers]
- イン・ザ・ブラック | In The Black [Shinryoku no Tanukimori nite]
- 違った世界 | Chigatta Sekai [Romantic Children]
- 月光 | Gekkou [Selene’s light]
- 目線 | Mesen [Ittsui no Shinjuu]
- 隠然 | Inzen [Hitoku sareta Four Seasons]
- ファビュラス | Fabulous [Koyoi wa Hyouitsu na Egoist ~ Egoistic Flowers | Kaien Majika]
- 高慢ちき | Koumanchiki [Boushitsu no Emotion]
- 畢竟成仏 | Hikkyou Joubutsu [Mahou no Kasajizou]
- ヤキモキノヌエ | Yakimoki no Nue [Heian no Alien]
Autumnal Reitaisai 6 guest stuff
BUTAOTOME will also have a guest appearance in another album to be released on Autumnal Reitaisai: the chapter number ??? of the “albums with 30 covers and remixes of the same song” saga. This time it’s the turn of Cirno’s Perfect Math Class by IOSYS! Here is the official website, with a Youtube XFD and also separated samples for each cover/remix. The Pig’s take on the famous Cirno meme is the 8th track of the album.
Live news!
We have two new lives being added into the BUTAOTOME schedule! They are both festival-like events with a bunch of other artists.
The first is a very surprising one: Flowering Night 2020. One of the historical Touhou live events will come back next year! July 4th at Kawasaki Club Citta.
The second one is much closer in time, and it’s called “THE★WORLD ~Oshi ga toutokute shindoi Halloween partyyy~” (long name is long). October 21 at Veats Shibuya. It’s the first live unrelated to Touhou of the year (unless they cancel this one too)! Tickets will start being sold from September 30 on livepocket!
Touhou Freaks 2 setlist
1. Gensou no Satellite
2. Hakanaki Mono Ningen
3. Fabulous
4. Momoiro Fivestar
5. Mesen
6. Fuwari Kakusei
7. Solid
8. Haru no Yuki
9. Kyouen
10. Kakoinaki yo wa Ichigo no Tsukikage
If you are interested on the setlist of the other circles, you can read them on THBWiki (this is where I usually put extra Touhou stuff that doesn’t have a place here). And yeah, Makkachin Kikaku played a couple of original songs. I’m not sure if they should be considered geniuses or deserve hate for this.
Touhou Station livestream
There will be a Touhou Station livestream on Friday, and Comp will be a guest! This streaming will be dedicated to the Chinese Touhou scene, so I recommend to check it out because there is some good stuff!
Aaaaand that’s all for this week!